Privacy Policy

Excepting information that the user chooses to send via email, the developer (Earnest Fox) does not knowingly gather personal data about users.

Emails sent to the developer by the user ( e.g. to ) - and any data contained within those emails - may be retained for the following purposes:

  1. to respond to queries
  2. to provide support
  3. to improve app quality
  4. to evidence communications in the event of a dispute relating to the content of those communications

Earnest Fox will not retain or distribute the information for any other purpose ( except where required by law ).

Some previous versions of Earnest Fox apps ( released prior to 2021 and now discontinued ) used Google Admob SDK to show advertising to users. Warning is given that the advertising services might ( as far as the developer is aware ) track and record the user's activity and personal data. Users need to consult Google's privacy policies for clarification about that: